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HKD Virtual Office Hours

Until HKD can resume its in-person office hours at the Joseph Walker Williams Rec Center, please join us for monthly virtual office hours.

This is an opportunity for formal, regular communication between the community and HKD. We hope you'll join us.

Please join via the following methods:
Zoom link:
Phone dial-in:  312-626-6799 // ID #: 871 7178 7922 // Passcode: 260373

In consideration of participants’ time, we have developed the following policy for these meetings:
1) Topics of discussion will be limited to agenda items only. New topics will be addressed under "new business" and discussed if time permits. Any new topics that are brought up under new business that are not discussed will be moved to the next month's agenda if applicable. 2) Public comments willl be limited to 1-2 minutes. 3) Meetings will be kept to one hour.

May 1

Free Pet Food Giveaway

June 3

Free Pet Food Giveaway